Saturday, July 16, 2011

Have shit, will travel.

So I am nowhere near being entirely prepared to embark on my adventure to Prague.  But every day I get a little bit closer. 

 I now have my Visa

In my shiny new passport (which I had to expedite earlier this year since it would have expired a month after my return):

My birthday present from my parents were brand new suitcases, which are nearly the girliest things I could find.  Although I was crossing my fingers that somewhere I could find neon pink animal print (kidding. dear god.)

Guide Books!

And booked flights!!

Now I just need some boots, jeans that fit (I'm beginning to think that this phrase is going to haunt me for the rest of my life, and never actually come to fruition.  Cosmic joke, really.  Jeans that fit?  I can hear you laughing, universe), and um.. I'm sure I have a packing list somewhere.  But it's still over a month away so I'll continue on chilling, and worry about that later.  Procrastination is the key to smooth travel.  Always.

Much love.