Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sentimentality, anyone? Sometimes I'm a sap.

So, normally I don't get this sentimental.  Okay, that's a moderate lie.  It has been known to happen.  However, it's rare enough that I forget sometimes how much I can miss something, even when it's not long gone.

In case you're unclear, The Bacchae closed this weekend.  (Sidenote:  I've always wondered why in this translation he spells out Bakkhai, Bakkhants, Bakkhic etc. throughout the dialogue, yet he spelled the title Bacchae.  That never made sense to me).

Okay, onto the sap.
This is, without a doubt, the most rewarding show that I've worked on here at Trinity.  Everyone in the cast worked so hard, and with such enthusiasm.  Just being present at rehearsals and watching incredibly collaborative effort unfold inspired me.  I cannot express how grateful I feel to have been a part of it, and I will miss working with this cast and crew.  On other productions I have, for the most part, been ready to let go by the end of the run.  Hours of rehearsals, day after day of sleep deprivation, and of course getting sick.  All of this, I am happy to see go.

Not to indulge in too much soul-searching self analysis here, but I think it comes down to the fact that I'm studying abroad in the fall (barely squeezing it in before I graduate.. thank goodness).  Which means a) This will be my last semester with everyone who is studying abroad next spring;  b) It is very uncertain that I will be stage managing a show again.  This very well might have been my last.  At least here.  Those are tough things for me to wrap my head around.  I guess what I'm saying is that it is more than letting go of The Bacchae.  It's letting go of the theatre department. 

But on the up side, if this ends up having been my last show at Trinity, I can't think of a better note to go out on.

Much love,

1 comment:

  1. Through our conversations I can certainly tell how much you love this show. :] I'm glad to hear it feels good to be leaving the theatre department on such a high note.

