Wednesday, August 3, 2011

At least my subconscious is thinking about Prague.

So consciously I seem to repeatedly have to remind myself that I am, in fact, leaving the country in less than a month.  But apparently my subconscious has my back, because I had my first anxiety dream the night before last.

I dreamt that I was just kind of messing around on my computer, and failing to watch the time when all of a sudden I realized that it was 5pm, and in my dream my flight for Prague was leaving at 7pm.  So I race to the landing of the stairs and yell at my mom asking her if my flight left at 7, but it was in fact at 8.. which really wasn't any better as I hadn't packed yet.  So then I was racing around panicking, realizing that I had absolutely none of the stuff that I needed, and absolutely none of it was in my suitcases.  And then I woke up.  Yuck.

In any case, aside from repeatedly calling the financial aid office at Trinity to bug them into filling out a form I needed to send to my program, that's the latest news that I have relating to Prague.  Even though it isn't really related at all.  I hope you all enjoyed this utterly pointless story.

Much love!
<3 Alyssa


  1. Financial Aid is the devil.
    Also conscioulsy I have to keep reminding myself you won't be here next semester, but subconscioulsy I have stress dreams about going to Coates alone!

  2. Uh, so this looks REAL creepy, me being called "Anonymous" and all, but this is LAUREN, so fear not!
    Oh no, stress dreams. And they're even worse when they're realistic, because then you feel like you've wasted part of your life that you're going to have to do over again. I get into a bit of an anxiety trip about flying... I always arrive at the gate 2+ hours early and dicking around on my phone and reading and thinking, "Next time, I'm going to risk it and only arrive at the gate an HOUR ahead of schedule!"
    In other news, I can't wait to get your letter! -hinthint-

  3. Hmm, I wish I could just reply to comments-- why doesn't everything operate like Facebook??

    @Matt: I just re-reminded myself yesterday that you're graduating in December, and I wanted to cry. :( I don't know what I'm going to do without you when I come back...

    @Lauren: Darling, your letter is in the mail as of this morning, fear not! And I always think that too, about arriving late, although I wouldn't risk it at SeaTac, but here at DFW the gate system is way faster so I'm more tempted. But I actually like hanging out in airports between/before flights quite a lot, travelling is the only time that I have absolutely nothing better to do than read, which makes me happy.

  4. Dude. Stress dreams suck. Especially because you wake up with your adrenaline pumping. Worst experience ever. But fear not! You'll have a blast in Prague, and getting there will be a breeze. :D
